This year's meeting of the ESLS-RF will be held at DESY.
We are glad to host this workshop at the 30th september and 1st october 2009 in our institute.
Our meeting will start september the 30th in the morning and will finish october the 1st in the early afternoon.
The talks will be held in DESY's seminar room called FEL-hall, building 28c, room 201.
The easiest way to find the seminar room is to take the Side Gate.
Between building 61 and 66 turn right , there is an information sign, you are on the right way to building 28c, follow the way, on the left hand you will see the new Petra 3 experimental hall, keep straight on, at the end of the street you achieve the FEL hall, use the side entrance, you will find the seminar room 201 at the second floor